Amy Buege
Amy BuegeCo-Founder
Amy is a founding partner at Verdant Associates with over 20 years of experience evaluating EE, DR and DER programs for leading utilities across the U.S.
 Jean Shelton, Ph.D.
Jean Shelton, Ph.D.Co-Founder
Dr. Jean is a co-founder at Verdant Associates specializing in cost-effectiveness and econometric impact analyses of distributed energy resources.
Stephan Barsun, P.E.
Stephan Barsun, P.E.Co-Founder
Stephan is a founding partner at Verdant Associates where he leads the engineering and building decarbonization practice areas.
William Marin
William MarinCo-Founder
William is a founding partner at Verdant Associates who specializes in technical and economic analysis of distributed energy resources.
Mike Rufo
Mike RufoExecutive Consultant
Mike is an executive consultant at Verdant Associates with over 30 years of experience in virtually all aspects of energy resource consulting and related business management.
Collin Elliot
Collin ElliotSenior Principal Consultant
Collin has worked for nearly 20 years as a consultant for energy utilities and other industries in a broad range of technical and analytical areas.
Kumar Chittory
Kumar ChittoryPrincipal Consultant
Kumar is a Principal Consultant at Verdant Associates with extensive experience in various aspects of commercial, residential, and industrial impact evaluation.
Brian McAuley
Brian McAuleyPrincipal Consultant
Brian has extensive experience providing program evaluation of distributed energy resources and market research to utilities and regulatory agencies.
Ben Cheah
Ben CheahPrincipal Consultant
Ben’s extensive industry experience has covered a wide variety of engineering and analysis roles in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
Ethan Barquest
Ethan BarquestPrincipal Consultant
Ethan has extensive experience working with a broad range of distributed energy resources, including behind-the-meter generation technologies, battery storage, demand response, and energy efficiency.
Lauren Robinson
Lauren RobinsonSenior Consultant
Lauren’s work has focused on distributed energy resources, demand response, and energy efficiency program evaluation.
Kurt Scheuermann
Kurt ScheuermannSenior Consultant
Kurt’s research experience encompasses energy efficiency, renewable energy, and distributed generation program impact and benefit/cost analysis and more.
Sara Rosenbrock
Sara RosenbrockSenior Consultant
Sara Rosenbrock is an analytical professional with over 20 years of experience in analyzing data and producing reports in the assessment of EE, DR, and DER programs.
Greg Vitz
Greg VitzConsultant
Greg Vitz is an economist with experience monitoring bilateral power transactions in wholesale energy markets.
Elizabeth Bullard, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Bullard, Ph.D.Consultant
Elizabeth Bullard is a Consultant with 8 years of multivariate data analytics, scientific program management, and effective & engaging science communication experience.
Jenny Hughes
Jenny HughesConsultant
Jenny Hughes is a Consultant at Verdant Associates specializing in impact evaluations and market studies, including developing scripts to process and analyze large amounts of data.
Abraham Torok
Abraham TorokSenior Analyst
Abraham Torok is a Senior Analyst at Verdant Associates. He is experienced in using statistics, data analysis, and artificial intelligence to analyze data and develop solutions.
Beth Fruehling
Beth FruehlingOperations Manager
Beth has 20+ years of experience working in technical, marketing and administrative positions.

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Are you passionate about the energy transition and looking for an opportunity to affect public policy with rigorous data-driven analysis? We are growing and constantly looking for candidates at all levels (early and mid-career). All backgrounds are welcome! We value diversity, equity, and inclusion in our team. We encourage and support the personal and intellectual growth of our staff and are committed to developing and growing a company culture committed to unbiased research designed to further climate change mitigation and social equity.

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